Look... I know I haven't done anything worth while (or even not worth while - but with effort behind it) in a long time, but I've been busy.
I've been busy, and that leads me to not draw. When I'm MOST busy I usually shut down, do nothing, and watch a lot of TV.
However, I did find myself drawing today, so I took a pic and uploaded it.
I did this while trying to call a vet clinic to get a second opinion on our dogs fucked up legs. Hurley needs to have an operation to fix his bad knees, a costly one. He has one knee that is kinda bad, and one that is so shitty painful he won't even put pressure on it anymore - It just sort of hovers in the air.
Anyways, I doodled on a pad at my desk as I awaited a call back...
Bad Drawing #86 - Our Poor Hurley