Oh yeah... that group...
Anyways, in the package I received THIS!
A "Sketch-a-Doodle" book designed and printed by Jenn and Teen. Inside the sketchbook are 52 assignments. One a week, for a year.
I got working on them as fast as I could, to get caught up, but have been to lazy to take pics and post. Well here they are, 3 more Bad Drawings.
Drawing #59:
Once, when I was a kid, we made sock puppets in school. I remember designing it being very stressful. After I had attached the googly eyes, I couldn't think of what else to do to it. I went into a bit of a panic... I was worried that anything I added after the eyes would ruin it. So I left it as just a sock with googly eyes. Well drawing this felt just like being back in kindergarten. I froze after the eyes.
Drawing #60:
Drawing #61
This is an owl. After this third drawing I've decided to try and not make every drawing in this book some sort of attempt at cartooning "cute", or "Cute-ooning" as I'm nowgoing to call it. Million Bad Drawings - Always coining new phrases! or "Coinphrasing"!! (I just came up with that one too). I just noticed now that one of his toes on the right is drawn wrong. I'll pretend he's just mid scratch. Foot itch. Do I win a no-prize?
Thanks Taylor and Teen!
Awe, awesome! They are really good! I especially love narwhal.